{~•~}••••p a g e ** Thirty-Seven••••{~•~}

†††~~2001-Early Birthday Blues~~†††

As I look outside today and see the smoke coming off the fields where the farmers are burning their ground and preparing it for a new season, It takes me back to the way God has to let things be destroyed in order to continue His plan for mankind.

Anyway, Here I am, floating right above Kennys bed as he rests for another day's work ahead and know that he has spent the majority of this night, online working on the Uplifter and caring for His Mom...

Kenny is now 45 years old and looking soon to being another year older, and much more wiser than He would ever have expected..

He had finally convinced his mom that she needed to get rid of their old Lincoln and his little Chevy Nova was all but spewing out it's last puffs of smoke....

I hate to say negative things about Humans, but when it come to buying automobiles or even getting them worked on...Kenny was as Lost as I would be in a Chippendale's Competition.

So I sent up to The Heavenly Library and started checking out their information on Used Cars and between my ability to get Kenny to look at the correct websites and a Angelic nudge here and there......We found a good car at a decent price.

Kenny was now the proud owner of a 1997 Chevy Lumina and it was Gray-Silver in color with Maroon interior....Nice Car....Horray for Our side!

Kenny and His mom decided to sell her car and give His Nova to Derek who was just about to get his driving permit.

In the early part of September 2001, I was summoned to Heaven with millions of other angels for a very secretive but important Conference.

I am glad that Kenny could not see My face when I returned moments later, because believe it or not, Angels do cry....but Angels also know that God is always in control..

September 11th rolled around, Kenny went to work as usual, but that is where the normal ended that day.

As we walked into the drug store door there was lots of talking and the radio and tv were both playing and the images were astounding.....

The terrorists had hit America with a destructive force like we had never known. Kenny's boss was a nervous wreck, He was pacing the floor and I looked around for His guardian angel, but noticed that they were locked up in the backroom of the store....

It was evident that Mr. Keith had some issues with God that he hadn't resolved at that time.

As the reports kept coming in, Kenny walked back to the back office where fellow Christian Bookkeeper, Sue Gilliam was working and they both agreed that this very well could be the day that the Lord returns for His people.

For what I can speak of about God's plan right now I can tell you this....God had given each of Us a master plan and things that many of Us would have to do this day as the Jets hit the Twin Towers, and many of my Angel Friends lost their humans that day, because it was THEIR TIME to meet the Lord and many of the Angels joined in multitudes to help save those that God was not ready for yet.

For awhile after those terrible days in September, the People of the World, joined together, Looking Up to the Lord and some even prayed for the very first time..

At night many of We Angels would be allowed to put a protective bond around Our Humans, as I did Kenny for over a week, when I had to go and do my share in New York, and we all were watching all the miracles unfold around Us as God continued to show how great He was even though for a moment in time, satan took to the stage for his audition and eventually got chased off like a bad act on "AMERICAN IDOL" --a televison show that had a reputation for removing those that showed their flaws, just as satan can never be better than God.

Kenny wrote a special poem for this event and you can read it in the POEM PAGES of his website.

The title of the Poem is OVERFLOW.

This tragedy happened 3 days before Kenny's Birthday and He will never forget how his birthday lunch was spent...Listening to the Memorial Service for all those killed on that day.

I was glad to be a part of Kenny's life and help Him find the Peace of the Lord during this time.

When Others were running in all directions in fear of what would happen next, Kenny was looking Up and talking to the Lord and saying in His own words...."EVEN SO, LORD...COME QUICKLY!"

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

This Webpage ฎ 2004 WebUplifterMinistries

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