Just imagine..If you will--

Sunday Morning at nine o'clock....

You leave your house early--

So you don't have so far to walk!

You have to park two streets away from church-

but---NO BIG DEAL!!!

You are going to worship the Lord--

..And you know how good that feels!!!!

There's standing room only---

inside the sanctuary aisles--

everywhere you look...

Singing Christians...glowing smiles!

The offering plates are passed around---

The money OVERFLOWS!!!

..All through the sermon the praise continually grows!!

When the altar call is given...

The crowd moves toward the front...

A closer walk with Jesus

is what they all eagerly want!

...When the clock strikes noon--the service doesn't quit!

You came for your blessing-

And you won't leave WITHOUT IT!!

The stores and shops are all closed--

This is the Sabbath Day!

The workers and the customers

did their shopping Saturday!

...Not a sinner can be found---

As far as the eye can see....

...Because everyone's in church--- The only place to be!!! Wouldn't it be wonderful--

If Hell had to close it's door?

If the sinners all repented

--no more violence anymore!

It would be a taste of Heaven--

So, Christians we must try!...

...To shut down satan's operation-

Before that meeting in the sky!

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell and ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]