)))))p r e s e n t s:)))))))

hundreds of angels and puffy white clouds.

the noise of sirens --the faceless bunched crowds...

Im laying back, an in and out vision....

but God holds me firm-it his complete decision.

no scare or panic..merely time moving slowly

no more do I worry--I've had a glimpse of glory...

the doctors and machines do their noise and light controls.

While my maker makes his move on my body and soul...

there are hosts of angels making bids for the day

the lifeforce, from pardise has finally come my way...

the prayers are flowing from a million different areas..

Jesus is listening to them and soon I will know...

I open up my eyes and I submerge myself in strange...

I can't quite grasp every different little thing....

Were prisioners of the sickness, the red cross waves our way.

the old rugged cross gives our souls it's needs-- Heaven is so magnified it turns your nights in to day....

I feel a peace I have yet to know the life around me, won't let me go...

As I open my eyes, and the blur turns to clear.

A new feeling of oxygen -- the fresh air opens so near...

In my chest, I feel movement, a heaving of life.

In the middle of ICU, the prayers stand so rich

Though the medicine and power of a God who knows all....

In my weak, striken body, comes the victory of the Savior's call...

A cool, crisp breeze, announcing all will be well...

As my eyes open wide, and I feel the power of a God who had healed....

I'm catching my second breath, my second time, my reason for living...Jesus Christ has given me mission and new strength to make it happen.

[this webpage was written by kenny mitchell and ® 2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

Pray for me as I continue to heal from my brain anurism....write to me for updates....