°°°p r e s e n t s:°°°

When I look in the mirror now

I see the change you've made in Me.

It makes me smile and wonder how

I could have survived before you came to be

When I deeply inhale fresh air on a sunny day

I know it's a love like yours

That also warms my soul that way.

Touching lips to lips or walking and holding hands

Give Us both this super sensation

of a love that is really grand.

I have goosebumps shaped like hearts

and my hair has become curly cute

Too my sweet Angel, Holley

You are in MY HOT PURSUIT.

You melt with me--make me so much better

You give me thrills I can't confine.

You are the best a man could ever want.

But Back Off, Guys, She's Mine!

Not just one day--but all are filled

With Your sweet, loving care

And I thank God In Heaven

For sending You and answering Prayer.

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for HOLLEYLAND and ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries]