I love to sit across the room

And watch your every move.

The way you smile, and twirl your hair

with your hands-so soft and smooth.

Your voice is full of sweetness

As You call Me to your side

I thank God for Our completeness.

You are My Forever, Lovely Bride.

We talk about Our days-gone-by

And futures to unfold

Our Voice perge together

Sometimes soft, sometimes bold.

But when the quietness comes

And the lights get turned down

Your eyes keep on talking

Long after the last word sounds

Your emotions and your thoughts

Slip into my soul when you look at me that way

My heart often bubbles over

And I don't know quite what to say.

But I thank God for You, My little Curley Babe

And those eyes that say so much.

The way they always hold my attention

When they give my heart that loving touch.

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for the HOLLEYLAND SERIES and dedicated to my loving wife, Holley Mitchell, ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]