As the sun sneaks through our bedroom blinds

I wake up and Feel you so close

I look over to my right, and see those precious signs

You're still sleeping in such an innocent pose.

Ever since the day your eyes met mine

I get such a kick from the faces You make

When you giggle-When your quiet

When you've had all you can take

You're adorable and I am so blessed your mine.

Yes, You make faces at Me-those expressions you share

The sparkle in your eyes

The tears when we have prayer.

When we hug and share a kiss.

Your face just melts with tenderness

When we are walking down the street.

Holding hands, You look so sweet.

When you watch from Our back door

Waving softly as I leave

Sending love and prayers my way

As I head out for another work day.

Making Faces is just one of your charms.

When we hold each other in Our loving embrace.

The awesome peace within your arms

Give Us both such a glowing face.

So...keep making faces at me each day.

You keep me alive in a special way.

That loving smile and eyes so bright.

You are my eternal angel delight.

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for HOLLEYLAND ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries]