In her own delicate way

She lifts the sunshine everyday.

And when the clouds start rolling in..

She blows a kiss to each of them..

She's a natural sugar high

And I'm so tickled to be her guy.

She's my wife, lover, and friend

I've been blessed above all men.

When I hold her close to me..

And her brown eyes get all sparkly..

From her wavy hair to her tiny feet.

God sure make my Holley---SO SWEET!!

In her own secret way...

She puts the fun in every day..

And when She's smiling all inside.

It bubbles out like a blushing bride...

And when we hold hands together and pray.

We feel renewed in a whole new way...

For it was God who made Us One...

I'm so thankful--Let His will be done...

When She gives me my morning kiss...

It starts my day off with Heavenly bliss..

And when her eyes meet mine each night.

Holley's sweetness sheds a whole new light.

[This webpage was written and created by Kenny Mitchell for his lovely wife, Holley and for each of You to enjoy. ®2004 WebUplifterMinistries.]