Hello Every one...

My name is Charity and I am the daughter of Ole Aulie, but I am also know as JesusChic around the Uplifterland.

Deep down I am thankful to all of you for the prayers many of you have said on behalf of my family.

Life for me has been tough but I have worked very hard to make it to where I am now... The picture above was from my Junior Prom and I have worked very hard as a Christian to be there for others and show so many who Christ is in this world.

Uplifterland has played a major role in my life the past many years and if it was not for this amazing group of people
I think I would have lost God a long time ago.

Though My life started falling apart all around me during Freshman year even before then it was tough.

Now that school has started I am a Strong and Faithful Christian and allowing God to control my life instead of doing it all by myself.

So thank you all for your amazing contribution to such a wonderful cause. May God Bless and protect all of you...


Love always and forever in Christ, Charity...

Baptized into Christ on July 18, 1998 at Golf Course Road Church of Christ in Midland, Tx. ChicForGod till the day I die.

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Charity Wooten ®2004 WebUplifterMinistries.]

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