~~~~~p r e s e n t s:~~~~~

•••inspired by God to Uplifter Member, SHERRY CAMPBELL for Our reading pleasure and blessings!•••

If Jesus came back today, what in your home would you hide?

This question has been drifting through my mind lately, and I believe that when these questions run through our minds they are there to make us aware of things that are right in front of us, and we don't always see.

For example, recently my husband and I took some movies from our home.

These were not what the world would call "bad" movies.

However, we were laughing at situations, that if Jesus were beside me, I would not be laughing, in fact I would not have that movie in my home.

So, I ask myself if I would not own that movie with Jesus physically beside me.

Why wait until Jesus comes back & it's to late to get rid of these things that bring down our spirit.

It's not just movies, it's other things as well.

Books, TV shows, and other sources in jour lives that effect the way we think.

After all, Jesus sees everything.

Therefore he sees us watching the wrong things, and letting out minds wander into the wrong territories.

Why wait for Jesus to come back to be convicted.

So many times you hear people say that they KNOW they are doing something wrong, but they think they have time before Jesus comes.

How often I want to ask, "How do you know?"

Truth is Jesus is with us all the time.

We are to Honor Jesus through everything we do.

  The more we do to honor Jesus the more real Joy we will experience in our lives.

As an example to others, we need to always be on guard and to watch what we say.

The thing about that is If you start off on guard, It is like any other kind of training, it becomes second nature.

One day when I met Jesus face to face I want to be able to know that I gave my best to Jesus.

There may be times that it feels like a sacrifice, but the rewards of those so called sacrifices, far outweigh the sacrifice To live for Jesus isn't easy, however the rewards of that life and the love that is a part of that life, is so abundant---I can't imagine going back to a life without my Savior.

IF you just let Jesus take control of your life.

Fear is replaced with a confidence that God is going to take care of it. God knows our needs before they occur.

Imagine Imagine that God already knows and it's His plan. His timing. When will we ever learn that God knows.

God's there.

God's going to take care of it.

IF we can just let go and let God have our whole life, not just a part of it, but All of it God's waiting.

What's holding us back? Why wait to feel God's love?

Why wait to receive God's promise?

Well, we're just not ready.


How can we NOT BE READY?

Not ready to accept the kindness of God.

Not ready to be loved unconditionally?

Not ready to have a life full of adventure?

Not ready to experience a personal relationship with Jesus?

Knowing Jesus and having Him as your best friend is the source of all Joy.

It is not a coincidence that Jesus and Joy both start with J.

[This webpage was written by Sherry Campbell and Created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2004 for the Glory of God.....]