•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Heaven PREVISITED•••

--Written by Uplifter Member,

•••Sandy Hennen•••

What do I expect in my human way when I get to heaven?

Wow that is hard since I really don't know what is up there except from what I have read in the word or heard of people who say they have been there.

  I expect that when I leave this body and travel to my heavenly Fathers paradise I will be greeted by all who knew me and some who did not sitting in bleachers cheering me on to my home coming.

I believe I will come to a river that looks like glass and be able to cross it under the water and be able to breathe as a fish does. I will see the people with banners waving and the shouts of welcome to my heavenly home.  

As I enter in I will be wisked away to streets of gold and see the trees full of fruit to eat. I will pick a fruit and it will be so juicy that the juice will run down my fingers and on my face but will evaporate because nothing is messy in heaven.

  I will see the people of old Noah, Jonah, David, Daniel, etc as well as all my family and friends. I will be able to run and run and not lose my breathe and be as light as a feather. I will be ushered to my heavenly mansion which looks as such. The bluest ocean for my front yard, a mansion that looks like the one on my fridge in Myrtle Beach SC gleaming white, lots of rooms filled with all my favorite things.

Throughout the house will be the sounds of waterfalls and babbling brooks. All my furniture is solid cherry wood and the colors so vivid like I have never seen before. My back yard will be filled with bears, palms trees, more waterfalls, and family and friends new and old. We will feast on the fruit which once eaten vanishes from our hands and face.

  I will take a walk up the streets of gold to the palace of my heavenly Father where I will sing and dance before him like I have never done before. I will hear the choir of angels singing Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts.

The sounds of the angels singing will be so awesome that I will fall on my face and worship day and night. Dancing, singing, worshiping, and in such a state of awe.

  To be there for eternity is unimaginable. I cannot fathom what it will be to be in his presence to adore him. Or to have him say unto me "Well done my faithful servant." The things of the earth that seem to be so important today will be not even a faint thought once in his presence.

  Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full into his wonderful place. The things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace..

We need to know that this place is just a stopping place. We need to know that whatever problems we have today will disappear and will never be remembered again. We need to fall on our faces and pray and worship him as though he were there in our living rooms. Oh Jesus make me , mold me , shape me, create me to be the person you want me to be. One who will bring glory to your name.

  I love you Lord,
Sandy Hennen

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[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and this Essay was written by Uplifter Member, Sandy Hennen ®2004--WebUplifterMinistries.]