====p r e s e n t s====

Here is a little bit about me..... My Name is Sherry Campbell, I use the Living Bible Translation of the Holy Bible.
    My favorite part of being a Christian is I'm never alone...

The most important lesson I was taught by my parents was....Don't ever lie, and church is not just for Sunday.

I think Our Country needs to put prayer and God at the top of the list.

The things I find myself praying for the most are: Health of my parents, and For my sister to come to realize that she deserves a life of her own.

When I look back on my past...I....feel sad, angry, disappointed, failure, but always realize that God was right there with me.


???????? W H Y????????

This question is asked by a lot of people. I used to ask my mom, "Why are you doing that?" She would tell me, and I would ask her about ten more times, "Why?" She would finally answer me, "Because God told me to, and who are we to question God?"

    This answer always stumped me, but I can see now, that mom was not just trying to get me to quit pestering her...although it did work.

She was also trying to get me to "listen" to what God had to say, and to get me to think about WHY I should do the things that God said.

    Who are we to question God...Mom had a point, who ARE we to question God?.....after all God wants what is best for us in our lives, he knew us before we were even born, God knows us better than any human ever will.

Yet time and time again, in my own life as well, we question God and a lot of the time it's the age old question of WHY?

  When bad things happen the WHY comes out of most of us.....why did the car break down now?? why did we have to move? why can't I find the job I want? why didn't God let Grandma live forever? why don't God give me what I want? why? why? why??

Yet when good things happen we tend to forget the bad times, and glow in the goodness of the moment....and do we stop and say, "Thank You, God" ?? Some of us would answer that question with, "Yes, I do thank God." Others would say "sometimes, not often enough, or no, I don't"

    Do you ever wonder if God .....ever looks down on the earth and thinks WHY my child?? Why do you disobey me? Why are you walking away from me? Why aren't you talking to me? Why don't you hear me anymore? Why all this space between us?? Why don't you trust ME, my child?? WHY? WHY? why?

     My mom and I still talk about when I was little and used to pester her with the "why's" of life. Every once in awhile I will ask her WHY Mom? and she will laugh, and say "Because, God said so....that's Why!!"

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and written by Sherry Campbell for the Web Uplifter's Spiritual Excellence Award Series!
WebUplifterMinistries ®2004]