~~~p r e s e n t s:~~~

So don't you see

how the birds do fly

without a worry,

they know the- I Am- is I.

  Won't you accept it

accept it and claim it.

Claim the prosperity and love

I've set before you.

It was my blood that broke every curse

ever spoken over you.

Yes child, I saw you those times you sat crying...

But I knew that with time

you would be flying.

  And like the birds I have made,

to fly and be free...

I have willed for you

to take all refuge in me,

take off into the heavens,

flying secured with the promise

that I am not a man,

that I should lie,

But the God of all creation,

giving you wings to fly.

  In the midst of the sorrow,

be still and know that I am God.

The lover holding you high.

I will provide,

Jehovah Jireh am I.

Keep your trust in my supply,

I take joy each time you fly.

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell, Poetry written by Heather Vineall ®2004 by Artist and WebUplifterMinistries.]

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