::••p r e s e n t s••::

I'd like to share my testimony, of how God has taken me from despair to Joy.. and it has all been a decision that I have had to make!

Happiness and joy is a gift, it's a gift that comes freely from God, but we so often let our circumstances, our life issues, our 'stinking thinking', rob us from that free gift!!

Each time we embrace our pain or our circumstances and 'milk' it, the more our soul becomes entangled in its mess.. and the further away from our goal of happiness and freedom we becomes.

God created us all to live life, and live it to the fullest, a life that is healthy, happy and productive. But there is no denying that fact that so many of us are robbing ourselves of that very thing! But we can give ourselves back that joy!

I wont say its an easy thing to do, cause I lived many years of my life, literally making myself depressed, thinking myself into a state.

It all came down to a decision that I had to make, I was sick of living the way that I was living, and was time to move on. It was time to let go and let God.

I often ask people what they think freedom is, and they says its something from God, but its not, it's a choice! Its as simple yet as hard as that!

I think its time that many of us push our lives and circumstances aside and start living the life God intended us to live!

Yes, the tough issues are still there, they certainly are for me, but I'm not letting them rule me, I'm not letting them determine how I feel.

Its been nearly 3 months since I made this decision and I haven't been down or depressed since, and that is an achievement for me!

Let go and let God... my friends!!

~~~Your Uplifter Friend From Australia....Alice..

[This webpage was written by Uplifter Member, "ALICE" and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 WebUplifterMinistries.]