:::•••p r e s e n t s:•••:::

~~B A C K~~~

°°°°When you find your BACK against the wall, bound down by the chains of sin and disobedience to God, do not fret, but realize your condition and look up, and repent and that wall will become a cushion and then you will be lifted away, chains tossed aside and you will feel the freedom and joy of the sweet spirit of Jesus Christ in your life again...

°°°°Jesus is coming BACK to get His People, are you one of His people...? If you are not a Christian, His still has your name on his waiting list....But He is not sure how much longer he can wait....God, any second now, can give the signal and the waiting will be over and so the waiting list will vanish...

°°°°Our Lord has this awesome strength to carry enormous loads upon his BACK! He thrives on taking the load of you and carrying it for you to his own private waste removal area.
Because to carrying your own burdens, when Christ is available for you is really such a foolish thing to do....

°°°°When Our prayers to the Lord are BACK to BACK, Our trouble do not stand a chance to BACK up on Us. Keep the stream of living waters flowing freely in your life by staying connected with Jesus...

°°°°You can sit in the very BACK of the church but if you open your heart to the calling voice of the Lord, the walk to the altar will be but one small but mighty step....

°°°°No one ever got ahead in life by deciding to BACK out and quit. The only good BACK move you can make is coming BACK to the Lord....

°°°°The devil can never BACK up a single word, he tells you--he is the father of lies. He is also a BACK stabber, So, when you tell him to get behind you and leave you alone..Be sure to BACK that command up with Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ...

°°°°Ever notice how much trouble a child has climbing up the wrong way on a sliding board..So it should be with a God-fearing, Prayed-Up Christian...BACK sliding should be a very difficult and hurting thing to happen and should not be something that you suddenly find yourself to have done...

°°°°Remember the Lord in all things you do, Your words, deeds and financial help to glorify his kingdom...Give BACK a portion of what he gives to you as written in the Bible and the pay BACK in the long run for you will be rewards unthinkable....

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Holley and Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]