:::•••p r e s e n t s:•••:::

~~A N X I O U S~~~


°°°°Those who are ANXIOUS for Jesus Christ's Second return may find themselves inhaling the Heavenly aroma of the Banquet being prepared for all those who are ready...
Those who choose to avoid in all ways, this Coming of the Lord, may find that by taking a sniff, will fill their nostrils with the stench of their eternal burning soul in Hell...

°°°°Never be ANXIOUS for your worship service to be over. The Sabbath Day is not a self-service-express lane experience...it is one to be led my the gentle and patient hand of the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ at His speed and direction....

°°°°Why are we so ANXIOUS for God to answer of Prayers, when often We wait to the last minute to go to Him with Our Needs?...

°°°°Let Us never be ANXIOUS in life, but live every moment in God's Peace and Harmony by trusting in Him, day by day, feeding our Faith with His Biblical Promises....

°°°°Love is always so close, You do not ever have to be ANXIOUS, trying to find it. Reach out, open your heart, accept it.
God gives it all and is waiting to pour out abundantly to You....

°°°°You can never be too ANXIOUS to show kindness and care to another. Whatever You do, God will always be way ahead, waiting, smiling for You with a "Well Done, My Child" on His lips for You...

°°°°Don't look at those around you and be ANXIOUS to offer negative thoughts and comments to them. Let God be their Judge and You be a messenger of hope and good news to all those You meet, for that is the sign of a Christian Heart...

°°°°Always be ANXIOUS to bring your heart's desires to the Lord, because nothing pleases the Heavenly Father more than giving his Children the very best...

°°°°Your Bible is not an Ornament on a shelf, Be hungry to dig into the word, Yes, to be ANXIOUS to know more about God through His own words is both a divine blessing and a commandment from the Author...

°°°°An ANXIOUS Christian is one who doesn't stop and think how much time it will take to do God's will, they just go in faith and find that their works for His Kingdom will actually open up space in their lives and reduce confusion, which always wastes time....

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Holley and Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]