:::•••p r e s e n t s:•••:::

~~~T A S T E~~~

°°°°A Good Rule to Follow is to Pre TASTE your words before they leave your mouth, for if the taste is not sweet inside, just imagine how it will sound when it comes out.....

°°°°To TASTE the fruits that the devil has to offer is like biting into a big delicious WAX apple....

°°°°Even Your thoughts can be in poor TASTE with God, which can cause a darkened spirit come over you. So, it is best to be in good and humble spirits at all times....

°°°°At the Last Supper, although the most blessed guest, Jesus Christ, was there, If the disciples had really known what was coming I am sure their TASTE buds would not been quite as active....

°°°°Moses and Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years his TASTE for victory through God was more powerful than that of His natural hunger.....

°°°°Eve was the first to TASTE how disobedience to God can change perfection into diaster....

°°°°In Heaven ever our TASTE will be glorified. The feast in which God has prepared for Us will be the most delecious sensation that we have ever experienced...

°°°°The TASTE of the lips of lust may thrill for the moment, but a pure heart and a true love will not fade away but the TASTE of sin will leave blisters on your mouth and lonliness in your soul....

°°°°I have had the TASTE of sand in my mouth as I lay in the gutter of my own foolishness, but I have also been blessed to TASTE the forgiveness and the cool, refreshing springs of living water flood my soul from my Heavenly Father....

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Holley and Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]