:::•••p r e s e n t s:•••:::

~~E M P T Y~~~

°°°°The earth was EMPTY, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface..And, So, still today those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior are also an EMPTY, formless mass cloaked in darkness..
But the Spirit Of the Lord is just waiting for you to call on Him....

°°°°You can cry a bucket full of tears from your pain and burdens, but when you get ready to EMPTY them, Jesus will be waiting with His hands cupped to take those tears and mix them with his glorious power and your faith and turn them into showers of blessings overflowing for You...

°°°°Everyone has a hungry heart and it can not stay EMPTY...It is Our choice what we feed it.
Let Us chose to eat from the Master's Banquet and not at the Devil's Dining Room.

°°°°The tomb where Jesus was placed is now and forever will be EMPTY.
This world, and all of Satan's Wickedness could not hold Him as He arose from the grave to fulfill God's plan for Us where we could have eternal life through Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

°°°°If there are EMPTY seats in your Church, Every prayer that goes up are seeds planted that can fill your church and every spot that is no longer EMPTY has the potential of winning one more Soul to Christ.

°°°°No matter what you do in the Lord's name and for His Glory will not return back to you EMPTY.
For the Lord is a generous Father to His Children, in which He loves each of Us with all His heart...

°°°°If you don't keep your marriage, a God-Loving, Christian-centered one, like a sponge being squeezed, little by little, your heart will get dryer and rougher and finally almost impossible to open up.
No Feeling is more EMPTY than a heart without the Love of God....

°°°°God does not do generic work. He could have placed Us on a bare planet, when he created the skies he could have left them EMPTY.
But He chose to show the awesome power that He has by sprinkling the solar system full of billions of stars and planets to light up Our nights and wonderful sunshine to brighten up Our days...

°°°°Never will there be a time when you Go to the Lord in need of his love, will you come away EMPTY-hearted.....

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Holley and Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]