:::•••p r e s e n t s:•••:::

~~F E E T~~~

°°°°From Our Heads to Our Feet, Our Lord, sometimes in Our lives has healed Us.
When we give our hearts to God, He not only heals us but renews our entire being from the tips of Our heads to the bottoms of Our feet....

°°°°You can have the most comfortable shoes in the world covering your feet and if you are not walking in God's will, that walk will be plagued with pain.
But if you choose God, you can run in your bare feet following the way of the cross and you will have joy unspeakable...

°°°°Your feet sometimes have the eyes of satan and they lead you toward the wild and wicked ways of the world, but if you will turn your feet around and head in the direction of the Lord, He will be waiting for you with open arms and show you what real excitement is all about.....

°°°°When I took off my shoes in the presence of the Lord my feet felt the holiness surge up through them and melted my heart and I was so humbled before my Savior that I desired to bend down and kiss His precious feet.....

°°°°There isn't any reason to try and fit Your feet into your mouth....For they were not made to go there.

A person who tries to do this will find that the taste is a bitter one and You are not at all standing solid on the ground...

°°°°A swollen head indicates self-pride. So it is better to have swollen feet that will more than likely indicate that You have been upon your feet and not sitting back and criticizing others while they work...

°°°°Our feet provide every step we make....
As We have two feet, We also have two important moves we can use Our feet for.....They allow Us to go in many directions but they also give us a mind and a heart to choose between right and wrong....

°°°°The Sweetest most important place any human can find themselves is crying out at the feet of Jesus.

°°°°Everyone has their own set of footprints, regardless of how close we are to that person, Our feet cannot match the steps of another, nor can we walk in their shoes.
Only Our faith and trust in the Lord can be the skating feet that can slide Our prayers into heaven for every need...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and Written by Holley and Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]