****p r e s e n t s:****

Is it any wonder

that the world is filled with pain

when we set aside the beauty

for our own material gain?

Is it any wonder

that lovers' hearts grow dim

when we do not hold in honor

the love we find within?

Is it any wonder

that the homeless are weak and frail

when we put them out of house and home

to seek another trail?

Is it any wonder

that nature falls to ruin and rubble

because we take with no return

allowing it to crumble?

Is it any wonder

that children are lead astray

because we did not take the time

to show the proper way?

Is it any wonder

that evil is strong and bold

when we do not see goodness

and let our hearts grow cold?

Is it any wonder

racism flourishes, my friend,

when we do not see PEOPLE,

but just the color of skin?

Is it any wonder

that friendships die and fade

when we forget the reasons

in which they were first made?

Is it any wonder

our world is scarred and polluted

when we allow our industries

to strip it as they're suited?

Is it any wonder

there is such depression and sorrow

when we do not seem to care

what will happen tomorrow?

Is it any wonder

we do not see the values of our brothers

when we hold our own selves

above the needs of others?

Is it any wonder

our world is like it is

when we sit and grumble

with actions we don't give?

Is it any wonder

we wait in fear of Judgment Day

when we do the things we do,

then forget to pray?

Author Unknown

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and is ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]