:::p r e s e n t s:::

I just had a breakthough, the bad went down the drain.

I just got some clean, new thoughts, that really soothed my brain...

I just spoke with Heaven, got a signal clear and bright.

I was just held by Jesus Christ and now I know everything will be all right.

My heart is dancing in my chest to songs only Me and My Lord Know

Praise to My Blessed Creator above gives me music rolling from my Soul..

It is amazing what My God can do when it comes to erasing satan's woes...

I give to Jesus, My everything, so very proud to feel that Heavenly Glow...

I'm now standing, strength renewing, fully sure and looking on.

My new thoughts have become My Mission; I have no fears and I am not alone.

I am crawling out of valleys and satan is running away from Me.

I now know the power of the God Who loves and takes care of Me.

I have this feeling all over that My Savior has just crowned Me a King.

I am just sparkling deep inside, because My God is truly everything.

When Your old thoughts get all webby, and they began to tie You down.

Raise Your hands to the Lord and You and He can shake them loose and knock them down.

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell ŽO2005--for the glory of the Lord.]

One Click Away from--UPLIFTERLAND!

::::thanks for your prayers::::