°°°°°episode 9°°°°°

....Wow....!! Just when you think it is safe to go out on your own....GOD REMINDS YOU....nope, not a good move....hum....That is why he is God and I am just a Child and often need to grow up.....Nevertheless....Just about the time I got able to pull myself up from the couch and remember how to type more than half of my words without errors....

Holley had her time with the doctor....but thanks to prayer she also made it through and all we had to do then was face what was to happen next in Our lives together with the Lord's help....

Jiffy decided that she wanted more out of her life so she ask me, in that cute little way she had-- how to get to UPLIFTERLAND...

So...Jiffy finally figured it out, after several bumps and bruises how to enter UPLIFTERLAND IT IT TOOK HER AWAY....

Jiffy looked around and found herself in a cloud of infants....and picked out one that would be perfectly adorable...Then she came back home proudly bearing the signs that she had found one she liked...


....Then after about four months she left Uplifterland and really came back home and We began to make plans for a baby in the house..

Christmas 2005 was a strange one....Babies coming....The only real Christmas Tree we could find was not even green and had a trunk that looked like a pretzel...So....

Artificial one....which turned out OK....but needless to say...JIFFY was bigger than she had ever been==even I looked like a midget beside her...but inside...was a little angel and by Valentines Day 2006...When we sung --'Let me call you sweetheart'--The only one's buying that were the animals and T-REX, which was now kicking and screaming to leave Uplifterland and come to Earth....

By the End of February---Holley was awaken by the yells and cries of Jiffy....who stated..."MOM...I THINK ahh huh...ah ouuuchhh..T-REX is ready!!!!

As Holley and I hurried to get dressed, Jiffy, between screams of pain, was trying her best to get to UPLIFTERLAND....she finally made it...

.....We went into overdrive and before you could count to ten in Hebrew, Jiffy was in the birth position and making strange puffing noises...

As I stood outside the door I could hear the sounds of Barney singing a personal concert to T-REX and He joined the rest of the real world in a little over five minutes--give or take..four minutes....Hey..Is this Quick Oats or a baby being born.....I was already ready with my napkin around my neck, and the butter and milk close by--plus the artificial sugar when there wasn't anything around close to small enough to fit even my large mouth....T-REX was a beautiful baby...So very perfect...that we had to fight off newspapers as far as the East Coast!!!

In fact, He won his first Award before He even left the hospital....

So...I once again had become a grandfather...This time...I had experienced it....and I was suddenly married to the sweetest, youngest grandmother in the world.....Just wait....It gets better...

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2006 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]