°°°°°episode 8°°°°°

....For almost two decades, I had worked at the drug store, and been taught many things--most of them very beneficial to me.

Probably the most negative that was taught to me those years, is you learn enough about medicine and you dont need a doctor, even though all the signs were there, the very high blood pressure readings, the tension, the fluid retention, and several other physicians in the distant past telling me --I DID HAVE A PROBLEM....

But, working in a pharmacy made it easier to purchase all those meds that I needed after ONE visit to a doctor and the talks with all the very wise pharmacists there, I was fixed....

I was so frightened of doctors ---just something that I was passed down from My Mother's side of the family.....

So, this was the most excellent way of fulfilling my medical needs, a keeping me working and alive....Huh!!!

I had been working hard all week, and it was Memorial Weekend coming up, all I had was two and a half days to go and I would have that many days off free from the job that was now about all I could take.....One day at a time...

But God had different plans for me....Thank HIM.....

As much as I remember, It was wednesday after lunch and Holley had decided to go shopping I had just taken a shower, and was messing with my unruly hair...when IT HAPPENED!!!!

As I looked in the mirror, combing my hair, suddenly, everything started spinning in a slow rate of speed, like a slot machine that was out of order.....just a slow, lazy turn around and around.....

Holley's Son called the ambulance when we checked my blood pressure it was was over 200 on the top and 140 on the bottom.....NOT GOOD!!!!

We stopped at Our local hospital, just long enough to get my vitals under control and to find out my brain was bleeding somewhere around the stem of it.....

At that point, VIRGIL stepped in....I don't remember alot about the awful ride in the only available ambulance that was due to go into the repair shop the next day, due to a back door that would not completely close.

I just shut my eyes and said...


...All of a sudden, VIRGIL, my guardian angel, (you can read more about my early life with Him on this website)...jumped out and blew some supersonic heavenly fuel into the death machine and we were at the Jonesboro Hospital in only ten minutes....It is normal over an hour drive....

I was in S.I.C.U. surgical intensive care unit, in a matter of seconds hooked up to more machines-and poked with more needles than Grannie's pin cushion...

God knew what he was doing.......

Back to reality...

I had the first Bed in the Unit and a personal doctor that had only one patient, Normally the SICU doctors have 2 patients, but the other patient had been sent home, and due to the Memorial Day Holiday coming up, less doctors and nurses were there....

But guess what....God still had things in control....

One of the very best doctors that was working because of the holiday's, was handed my case.

Dr. Benji Ozen had already begun my special I.V.s which would bring my blood pressure down and stop the brain bleed, which was in an unoperable spot....

But God..was doing the healing as I lay in that bed and all my Uplifterland People....YOU....were praying for the miracle that did happen....Thank You For caring and praying....GOD WON THAT ROUND...as He always will with Good Christians who care enough to gather around the throne of God and get UP to business with the Lord...

As I type this my eyes are filled with tears as I know, God saved my life that night, and He has been with every step of the way....

Thank You For Your Love and Your Prayers.....

I don't have to go to UPLIFTERLAND to know how to share those happenings with You!...

All I had to realize is that the stroke/brain bleed had left me unable to fully come back to the world I knew....

I had to begin to fight a new fight.....with the US Government to get help because I couldn't do my job of 18 years anymore and because of my legs and other weaknesses.

The town where I lived left me no alternatives but to keep praying for something to OPEN UP and just keep believing that God would take care of My wonderful family and Me...

Which He has......

Thanks again for your continued prayers....

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2006 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]