°°°°°episode 7°°°°°

As 2005 Rolled around and on...We decided after looking at many home movies that although Our love for kids and babies was still alive, it could be put to death quickly by changing Our thoughts and needs to animals instead of children.

We installed a big neon sign in our front yard that flashed "ALL PETS WELCOME!" and within a day or two, we had almost every stray cat and dog at Our house for days, weeks, and months before they moved on...Or got lost....

By the end of April, all the strays had either been bored to death by all Our activities or hit on the highway and scooped up eventually by Our Very Industrious Street department.

We were lost without the smell of animal poop in the morning, So, since we didn't feel we could give another 75 years as a parent, we decided to go to the pound (our town didn't have a regular ASPCA and to look at the animals there....they could have used one...but I can't go into that without going to UPLIFTERLAND to describe it in a way that won't do the Yuckies to Your Stomach..

....So...Uplifterland--take me away!!!!

We had called Our Police Department and they had given Us an appointment on Monday to Visit the Dog Pound and pick out a pet...

Holley and I were so excited we could hardly eat lunch, and arrived about a half hour early..It was like entering a newly built City for animals....It had all the different living quarter for each animal in clean cages with ample fresh meat and clean, very clean water..

So clean, in fact, that I just had to have a lap or two, myself...

After looking Over all the choices we had, we just couldn't mind...

So.......We came back to reality and about that time a very, old noisy truck pulled up and out slithered an old man on crutches (One of Our City's Finest) and presented to Us two fresh doggie that he had just received that day..)

We really had not planned on needing or taking but one pet at a time....We already had the house cat, ZOOMY, and we didn't really know how HE would get along with these two precious animals...but they were together and we just couldn't separate them.

So we loaded our junkyard version of BENJI and a beautiful long haired something of a dog, in our car, and headed home with Our Canine Treasures...(no cost but no shots or baths either.)

The whole rest of the family were in shock, but couldn't resist but falling in love with both dogs..

...and ZOOMY...well, lets just say, he was less than excited to bring them into Our home, even though only one of them really barked at Him..in the beginning...

We named the dogs TOBY and BUSTER....and they quickly became a part of Our Family.

With the exception of ZOOMY who voted NO NO NO!! to a panel who told him we would make special protection provisions for Him and we guarantee his safety as long as they were there....Since He was a pretty passive cat, ZOOMY didn't like it...but he dealt with it..

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2006 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]