°°°°°episode 6°°°°°

....The ending of 2004 brought no surprises for any of us that we knew about, but we were just getting a brief rest period before Our personal Atomic bomb was dropped....

Lee was having lots of problems with VNA and Holley was about to pull her hair out dealing with stupid details that prevented Our Totally disabled son from getting the help he needed.

Lots of Red Tape and many times Holley would looked up and whisper those wonderful words....UPLIFTERLAND...take me away......

We had just sit down for breakfast when there were knocking at both Our doors at the same time..
Holley headed one direction, I the other and found them both to be VNA (Visiting Nurses Association) people all dressed and ready to meet all of Lee's needs.

One of them actually brought a beautiful crown for Him to wear and a scepter for him that had It's own electronic voice modulator for Lee to speak with...
Lee was so happy and smiling and in just a few minutes he had overheated the EVM machine from talking so much and they had to pull out the NEW super deluxe model.

It was so nice to finally see Lee getting the attention that he needed and deserved.

Jiffy and Heet (her other brother) were tending well to my mom's needs, so Holley and I after several days of feeling rather free from so much responsibility decided it was time to have some well-needed time to ourselves and go to Nashville..

---BACK TO REALITY....Holley and I began to look at the computer for Hotels, motels and things to do in the City of Country Music.

Which I am not much of a country music buff, but was way too old to think of what going to a 21st Century Woodstock atmosphere would do to an old fogie like me, so we decided it would be NASHVILLE...

So we decided instead of letting ORBITZ do the detail we would let UPLIFTERLAND take us away......

The first great thing that happened was we received an unexpected check from the government where they had made a big mistake for several years on my taxes and owed me nine thousand dollars, more or less...So..we made a few necessary calls and gassed up the Vehicle and when we went to pack our luggage Jiffy had it all ready for Us and had even cooked a going-away, honeymoon supper for us, which we ate, took some Tums and jumped into the car to go... Our neighbor, Fred, was a seasoned traveller so he had a very great map he gave us that had perfect directions to everywhere we could want to go.....So...Kenny and Holley Mitchell were on their way for the time of their life.... As we drove into the city limits of Nashville and found our Motel which we had booked close to the interstate....WE WOKE UP and left UPLIFERLAND in a hurry....

The fancy motel we had paid big bucks for was under constructions, and only about 20 miles from any attactions, with the exception of the hookers who were busy even on a sunday trying to sell their goods to the Truck Drivers who were sonic zooming down the interstate, which was right next to our window...

I could go into details about how bad the trip actually was, but I don't want any of you to short circuit your computers from the tears.

So...coming home wasn't so bad with the exception of a grumpy mother who thinks we should be permament fixtures and stay at home all the time, and the house was pretty well wrecked and ready for ten maids to come in and make ir non-toxic for a human habitat.

...But ... We just thought that was rough...Little did we know that pain comes in triologies and this was only the first one.

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2006 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]


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