°°°°°episode 4°°°°°

You know how when Christians aren't really doing all that they could for the Lord, but still complain when everything doesn't go just right....

Well Holley and I knew, somewhere in Our hearts that We needed to find a HOME CHURCH.

We kept finding reasons (so easy to do) and the devil kept finding reasons to make Our marriage less God-like and more troublesome.

We were seeing the results of trusting each Other way more than we trusted the Lord, and eventually as all old-time Chistians know, You can't be a part time server of the Lord....

So, When things went wrong we often ran like wild animals to UPLIFTERLAND...to take Us AWAY for the reality of the way things really were at the time....

....For instance.....like the time when...

...were riding around in February and saw the THIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD's sign....It said "Hey Kenny and Holley this is where you need to go....we even have a new preacher, think You will REALLY like Him...his name is Brother Squeals and He has a great Wife that works with the kids name VONDA...

So....the next Sunday, Holley and I went to visit the church....We did find a GREAT preacher....a congregation (mostly old people)..But a Youth Leader with a real hunger for building a Youth Membership, which the church really needed....

After a few visits we talked to Our daughter about going and she finally agreed after checking out a few on the Sunday Morning Services and talking with the Few Young People that were there....

Our Teenage Daughter, Jiffy, decide to go to church on Wednesday.....at this time I would like to go to UPLIFTERLAND to relive this part of Our lives....

.....It was my normal day off from work, We had just settled down after supper, when We received a call that Our daughter had did a strange thing at the Wednesday Night Service...
As told to Holley by the Church Youth Leader the following...

"Your daughter, We are so proud of her, She went into the Church Van and along with the other Youth there, drove into town and gave all the young people Balloons with Our Church name on them....She was the best of all of them....We are SO PROUD OF HER.....and they all lived happily ever after...well....BACK TO REALITY NOW.....

Forget the real story, needless to say, the churches Youth group dried up, the few people that continued going, took completely over and ran the pastor off....No way can I go to UPLIFTERLAND to change that!!!

Holley and I were devistated...Jiffy was-- NO COMMENT--, and We were Once again, sitting on the loveseat watching more television that we should be....

And Wishing there were Other faces to look at sometimes than just Our Own...

But still avoiding the Obvious Choice....GOD...YEP....even those who are good and are Christians often let satan sneak in and try to ruin their lives....

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]