°°°°°episode 3°°°°°

....Holley and I found out it was just as hard to leave each other at night whether you were five miles away or 1200 miles...it made no difference....the void was still there.

But God shined down upon Us once again and we ended up finding a beautiful brick home with plenty of space in one of the best neighborhoods in our town.

SO after paying rent and deposit on Holley's Country House within two weeks she was in the process of moving again...

In fact, she had just got most of her stuff unpacked and set up like she wanted it, and there they were again....stacking it all in a moving van and headed for Kennett City Limits this time in what I always called the "RITZY NEIGHBORHOOD" and I have to admit, it was the coolest place I have ever lived or even thought about living in..

A very nice but very Country Preacher that came into the drug store where I work, agreed to do the Marriage Cermony for Us and it was to be a very quiet, humble and quick procedure this first time and then one day in the future we would do it right, by getting re-married by the Ocean Out East where Holley had originally came, which to me sounded so romantic and so unlike anything my mind canvas could even slap watercolors upon...

On December 3rd, 2003, the day had finally came and I had bought new threads and Holley was going nuts trying to find the right outfit for herself--mainly so she would not clash with me......when I saw that look on her face and I knew she was taking us to UPLIFTERLAND for this wedding.....****...

I blinked my eyes for a moment and then I looked around and there sat my youngest son, Derek, in a full tuxedo with a flashing red earring in his right ear, and a big smile on his face, he had even, for some reason dyed his hair purple, which really added color to Our decorations.

Somehow, the suit that I had on had slimmed me down to looking like I had lost at least 50 pounds...Wow....I was one sexy dude....

The preacher was standing at this large, pearl shaped podium with a gigantic Bible and a strange looking smile on His face too.

Holley's son, Heath, was also dressed in full tails and had his hair pulled back in a pony tail and was wearing white gloves...

I was getting excited thinking about actually been legal with Holley and was waiting for Jessica, her daughter, and her to appear in the room..

All of a sudden an ear bursting drum roll begun and these beautiful purple curtains pulled back to reveal my soon-to-be Partner-in-Passion and Love and she was dressed in A Christian Victoria's Secret Wedding Gown with a train that streched all the way into the front yard.

The Wedding March was very loud, but beautiful and as we all did our share of marching to our specific spots the things started to get a little fuzzy.....****

The Minister was saying...I now pronounce you man and wife...You may Kiss the bride....and Holley took me almost to the floor with a kiss that almost left me with the inability to ever speak again...We did manage to pay the preacher, sign the papers and cut the cake.

Somehow Our wedding pictures didn't turn out like I thought they would.

But one thing is for sure, we all now live in this beautiful house together and when bedtime comes, Holley and I can skip all the way to Our Big Master bedroom and lock the world out for at least six hours a night.

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]