°°°°°episode 10°°°°°

Being that I am a Grandfather, Yuk, hiss, pooey...he he...just joking, I am just too young and beautiful to play that part, but the more I looked in the mirror, and the more T-REX grew, My wrinkles, shrinking brain and bladder control problems just didn't seem to matter as much...He was NEW LIFE in Our Home and it didn't take but a day or two and even the dogs knew THEIR place and respected the new member in the Mitchell Household.

Well, summer had come and T-REX had grown in leaps and bounds, smart as a whip...how smart is that?, but the relatives back east just could not wait any longer.

T-REX was a beautiful child, in fact, even counting my own children, and grandchildren, he was a vision of God's perfection.

In order for JIFFY, T-REX, HOLLEY, and the father of the child, WILLIE BOY to go on this special HOME COMING....I had to stay behind with my mom, HEET, and LEE....

So...The first part of August found me alone with a t.v., the web, and a used atari that we had purchased on EBAY earlier in the year.

I told HOLLEY not to worry just go to UPLIFTERLAND anytime she needed to, and from the report she gave me on the flight....she definately said, ...UPLIFTERLAND, take me away!!!!---several times during the trip.

..For Instance....Here is her account of what she remembers of the trip....You decide whether she went to Uplifterland or not....

....The drive to Memphis, Tennessee, where we started Our flight was so so so so easy. In fact, the trip time, riding, was cut almost in half by road construction that forced us to cut off at least 75 miles give or take a few miles...

As we walked into the airport terminal we were greated like The Beatles at that first arrival in America...

Customs pushed all of us through and the pilot of the airplane became so fond of T-REX that he let him sit in the COCKPIT in a special chair made just for infant guests so they could get the very best view of the flight.

The storm clouds parted like the Red Sea did in Old Bible Days and the flight actually came in almost an hour early.

Holley's whole family met them at the airport and they had to close one whole section down because it was over flowing with excited relatives who were to see the new child, T-REX....

Here back at home, I was surfing the web like a Hawaiian trying to win one of the TROPICANA BEACH CONTESTS and I had played Mrs. Pacman on Atari so many times, the little yellow figure had her tongue hanging out and was waving a surrender flag.

Heet was so bored that He had walked the dogs five times one day and they too, had their tongues hanging out and begging for mercy and more water....

For those of you who are keeping count...During Holley's trip away from Me, I played 4,201 games of Ms.PACMAN, I logged 712 hours on the internet, and watched 52 shows on tv....ten of which were not even in our language.....I was missing her something awful, even though she called several times a day and let me know she loved me and missed me, too.

After a few conversations and it was around the middle of her trip, I suggested that we both went to UPLIFTERLAND at the same time and find each other.

So I said with much enthusiasm--UPLIFTERLAND, TAKE ME TO HOLLEY!!!!----

I opened my eyes and I was at least 30 years younger, could run like a deer, and I found Holley, by yelling through the echoing hills that surrounded this beautiful place..

Holley came running, RUNNING, to me like a superhero (You know the ones that have the horizonal lines behind them showing how fast they were going....)...in a matter of seconds she had ran several miles and was finally in my waiting arms......IT WAS HEAVEN.....OR IT WAS UPLIFTERLAND...I KEEP FORGETTING AS I RECALL...All I can say...off the record, Smiling Bob...eat your heart out....It was wonderful.....a time I will never forget and after about seemed like 100 days and a minute at the same time......We knew folks would be worrying and we kissed one final time and thanked the Lord for the special opportunity to be with each other in this very SPECIAL way....and then I was, once again, looking into the eyes of a very tired MRS. PACMAN and I told her "OK" and turned the Atari off and just fell across the bed and smiled a smile that almost broke my ears in half....

In a matter of days, God seen that they made it home....and all was well with Our world once again......For a while, anyway!!!

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2006 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]