°°°°°episode 1°°°°°

On November 2nd, 2003, Holley and her troop arrrived in the state of Missouri and saw more flat land than they had seen in a very long time.

I had been at work, counting pills, and they could have been anything from marbles to M and M's, and I would not have noticed.

My mind was on Our first physical meeting, even though we had met a million times and discussed this day for the past six months.

When the phone rang and it was her and I heard that voice say..."WE'RE HERE!", I quickly excused myself to drive across town to meet Holley and her family.

As I opened my car door to drive the mile that kept Us apart, I traced a plus sign on the windshield and whispered...."UPLIFTERLAND, TAKE ME AWAY!".........and that's when I knew I had the ability to leap into a new dimension as reality faded away and the bright lights came into view.....

***I cranked up my glistening Silver Lumina and as I burned rubber out of the drug store parking lot, as I looked back there was actually steam coming off the tire marks on the parking lot.

I put the car on Cruise Control and leaned back into the seat at 55 MPH and took the side roads, flying past all the stop signs and the cops that saw me just smiled and waved, because they knew I was headed to a God-Ordained Connection...

Holley was to meet me in the parking lot of the Super 8 Motel, so I came up the back way and coasted into the lot with my engine off and saw her standing with her back to Me and my car stopped about 500 feet from her..

I jumped out of the car, and like a man with wings, or really great shoes, I took off, on feathered foot toward her at a pace that would surprise any one in Our town that knew Me.

I came up behind her, swirled her around, and kissed her with the passion of a billion butterfly kisses we had already given each other online, and picked her up, carrying her back to my car, and I instructed the rest of the family to follow Us and We would lead them to her new temporary home, which was located about five miles outside Our City Limits.....***

Back in reality again, Holley was riding with me as we headed to White Oak, the small sub-division of Kennett, and I had preset my tape player to be playing Our favorite song, FOREVER AND FOR ALWAYS...we held hands, and just let these moments soak in, as we pulled into the front yard, along with the rest of the family in the other vehicles.

We kissed again and I looked at my watch and realized that I had two more hours of work to do before getting off for the day.

So, Holley and Family began the task of unloading into their new Missouri Home and I drove back knowing the new feeling of having a REAL WOMAN that loved me and drove 1200 miles to be with Me...

[This webpage series was created and written by Kenny mitchell and most events are based on true happenings. This series is ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries and Uplifterland.]