Have you ever stepped foot inside a Church and felt the arms of love wrap around you?

  Have you ever stepped inside a church and felt the excitment bubble up and you feel as if you will burst with happiness???

Well....I remember as far back as when my dad was Our Church Treasurer, Song Leader, Sunday School Teacher and a Deacon on the Church Board all at the same time, and one of his duties was to go the Church on Sunday Morning around 8am to Manually ring our big beautiful Bell...

We only lived a couple of blocks from the church so I talked Him in to letting me, ride my bicycle down and do this special duty.

As I unlocked the doors to the empty church and walked in...

It was like I could feel thousands of angels hovering around me. I could feel the spirit of the Lord ever-present stirring in my own young heart.
With every pull of the chord and joyous ring of the bell, I felt the love of God swell up in my soul...
When you have a "BODY OF BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS that have been gathering together, there is no doubt in my mind that the LORD will be in that place waiting for any willing souls to enter.

Because the week always brings its own set of issues and problems...all wanting to move in at MY house! And even with the best of intentions, by the end of the week, I tend to feel drained both physically and spiritually.

At church, the atmosphere is sooo great, you can feel yourself being "lifted" when you walk through the doors, and then the praise starts and it feels wonderful to just let go and worship! Our pastor is really cool, and is a great teacher. He always seems to preach just what our hearts need to hear and you leave feeling "full" again and all refreshed.

It brings me back to the fact that no matter what has happened to me that Jesus loves me and HE is there for me.

I went fishing yesterday and I was watching a big fish in the water and I threw my bait and hook in several times but the fish would not bite it was like he was laughing at me saying "no way, I'm not falling for that!"

I think that is a good comparison for a Christian when tempted with the ways of Satan we should be like the fish and say, "NO WAY!! I"M NOT FALLING FOR THAT I HAVE JESUS!!"

Going to church on a regular basis, meeting other Christians, just reenforces our strength to fight against all the devil's plans against Us.

I just love being around a group of Christians and having church, whether it is in a building or on the side of a hill, like in Jesus' days. Because along with Praising Him, we can ask questions, learn, and share our burdens with each other, and keep in touch with each other thoughout the week, praying and knowing the ups and downs of Our fellows Church Member's lives.

There is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to Prayer Warriors, so, Church is a great place to go, whatever you need, and you may even find out that You have something great to offer another that will change their life, through God's Use of your willing vessel...

...And then...some people just stay away and say.....

"But I don't need to go to church because I read the Bible and God teaches me from it." Yeah, sure.

I'm pretty sure that the church is a group of Christians that you need to be in constant contact with in order to be held accountable and grow with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

The church is to unite Christians for their own well-being. As for learning from the Bible, I'm fully for it. In your quiet time. Yeah, you are supposed to have a quiet time with God every day that includes prayer and Bible study amongst other things.

Yeah, that doesn't take the place of church.
God speaks through preachers...and other Christians and the Bible. Balance is cool. Try it and you'll grow.  

(I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their contributions to this page:
Teresa Dale, TiggerJane, Cassie Lynn, StarMom, Enchanted Sherry, and Batone.
®2002 WebUplifterMinistries.)