First of all, I feel urged to tell each of you I feel that you should not be afraid to question God.
He wants you to be eager to learn, listen, and have clear wisdom to every thing He is ready to have be known to you.

I sometimes get puzzled when I have prayed for something so hard and then it happens, and I rejoice and give God Praise for it and then this same thing that I have prayed about falls apart again.

I get upset with God sometimes when I want to talk with Him, and it feels like I am just hitting the ceiling with my prayers, and I cry out...."GOD...Where Are You?"
Oh Yes, I know He is there, but my impatience often shrouds my ability to Wait upon Him and keep praying without ceasing.

I look around me and see that some people that are believers are suffering in debt, health, heart, or other issues. Then I see a drunk who has no problem keeping his family fed, has extra money, and don't believe.
Sometimes I wonder about this. Satan puts the thought in my head that hey!! I believe yet this person that don't has more than me why?? Then I remember that I will have a wonderful mansion in Heaven.

Another thing is I just don't understand when young people die. When a baby is born dead. Or a child has cancer that can't be cured. I look at these kids and think WHY?? but I know that God has a reason for everything. But when you look in the eyes of a child that is dying, you just wonder what is the reason for this??

I don't understand why God let's some live yet and others die from the same thing. Like some people have been in maybe 4 or 5 accidents and walked away without a physical injury. but maybe the people they were with died. I don't understand why 3 or 4 kids will die in a car wreck and then you have a person that has been through 3 or 4 car wrecks and just walks away.

I don't understand how some people have Grandparents that live in next to perfect health even up into there 90's and some have Grandparents that are in such bad health that they no longer see the person they knew when they look at them.

I don't understand why some of us never fall in love. While others have been married for years. I think of my sister who would love to have someone love her, but noone out there seems to love an overweight person. She is close to 400lbs. She has feelings like everyone else. I don't look as big but I am only about 90 lbs less than she is but I look a lot smaller because of what I wear. I enjoy life more than her. I don't understand why God can't just change her outlook on life so that she too can meet someone and fall in love.
She has lost hope, after being asked out as a joke so many times.

Every moment I bow down to pray it seems there is always a circumstance which arises in my life where I simply must take to God for understanding.
Should I forget a passage which brings wisdom to me I will question God and The Holy Spirit then aids and recalls to my mind the answer

I don't understand why bad things happen to good people. But I do understand that Good People often can go to sleep at night with peace in their hearts and prayer on their lips and hope and faith in a God that will someday bring all those who are Pure in Heart together for that Eternal "NO MORE TEARS" Reunion!

It's Ok to question God, but remember, ALL ANSWERS can be found in the Bible, God's Holy Word!!

(I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their contributions to this page:
Holy Girl, Enchanted Sherry, Dena Murphy, StarMom, and Jacqueee.
®2002 WebUplifterMinistries.)