All Choked Up, No, not an Elvis Presley Tune from the 60's. But a term to describe that feeling right before you burst into tears for joy or sadness.

Sometime you can HOLD BACK, and not cry, but I prefer to let the human sprinkler system flow at will. Simply, because it refreshes my soul. Many things make Us get all choked up....For example... Anytime I hear a song, that is anointed by the Lord, and it is being sung. God touches my soul, and I am overwhelmed and touched and choked up....

When I have been praying for something in my life and then suddenly I realize -- God has answered my prayers -- that does me in....That's another time when the choked up part is clicked up to tearful joy mode....

Oh yes, and to be in a wonderful church service and see someone go down the aisle to get saved.
I want heaven to be OVERCROWDED!

I've read books on death bed experiences and many times Christians, just before passing on, see loved ones waiting on the other side. Many times they have had no idea that these loved ones HAD passed on, yet they speak of seeing them.

The passing of a Christian is a peaceful one because they they know this is graduation day and on to see their Lord.

Thank you Lord for giving us the ultimate inheritance.......Eternal Life with YOU!

There are many emotions that trigger the CHOKED UP MODE.....As in.....When I hear a siren, I wince, get choked up and often begin to pray.

When I sit and listen to the Easter story....from beginning to end.....This is something so emotionally charged that any person with feelings should get choked up!

When I am in the presence of the Holy Spirit. That is the Ultimate Earthly Blessing from God......

When I sing or hear Patriotic songs and really listen to what they mean.....It wells up inside of me and I feel proud to be a Christian American.

                              I also get choked up when I think about all the lost ones in the world. All those that are dying and going to Hell, without the Lord, When I think of the many Lonely people, of any age. The hungry, the poor, those that have less than me. I pray and I also am touched deeply and get choked up.

When I get any kind of "Greeting Card" from someone, it always touches my heart. To think someone THOUGHT OF ME!

When I look back and see how the Lord has blessed me and how I took that for granted at times.

When a friend or relative or mate tells me "Honey, I love you!" And I feel the LOVE.....That gets me misty!

When God allows something I do or say to touch and bless someone else. It is quite the thrill.

God has so many Blessings for each of us if we only ask him for them. He has a plan for each of our lives if we allow him to be in charge.

When I see those reunions on those television talk shows.....When children find their parents after years of searching. When old friends finally get to see each other one more time before death calls their name....It is all so touching and sentimental.

When I watch a good movie and the parts that are suppose to touch you...actually do.....I love it to be drawn into a story to where my emotions can be touched to the point of these wonderful feelings that are all fringe benefits from having a Creator that thrives on Unconditional Love.....

(I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their contributions to this page:
Caryl, Holy Girl, Laurel, Sherry, Jacqueee, Dena Murphy, Anita Brown, and BonnieBee.
®2002 WebUplifterMinistries.)