One thing you can say about your kinfolks is they are tons of stuff to be said about them.

Now there are the two sets of relatives I have one group of them is more than you could ask for in a family member, then the other bunch that are nosey, hard to get along with, and, simple to say, we have more than one black sheep in our flock..

Some of your family, even though you may disagree with them at times, they are still usually there to listen to you, no matter what!

Our family is a pretty smart bunch, we is! We love to get together and play trivia games with each of just too see who has the best learning.

Many members of my family are total strangers to me. Some may say that is a blessing, but I would still like to meet them all someday.

Really, the best thing for me to say, since they are flesh and blood of mine, is that they are related and leave it at that.

Usually you get along pretty well with the kinfolks until the topic of borrowing money comes up and then you find out how many tighwads you have in the group.

Most of my family, that I even know about, have lots of problems, relatively speaking..

Sometimes the goofiness of you family when they all get together can be turned around into alot of fun, because you tend to see yourself in some of them, but, thank goodness, not all of them.

In all honesty, the ones I really know, tend to get on my nerves. Sort of like the brother you never wanted or the Step-Dad that all but ignores you. Relatives are just strange!

Most of the women in my family, from this generation can't cook anything very good. They should have all taken lessons from my grandma.

Many of my close family members need the Lord that would improve their lives a whole lot.

We usually can't get together more than once a year because we just can't get along.

But...they are all God's children, in fact, many of my family have already gone to Heaven, and I do have some that are the most awesome folks in the whole world..

There are times when we let loose, act crazy, and really have fun. Some of us are really nuts when we want to be.

All in all, the family God has given to you is a blessing, if there is a struggle in your family tree, pray harder, because we are all one big family and we are all blood relatives if we are Christians.

(The following members have helped on this webpage and I thank them: Jubilee, Shawnda, Shauna Marie, TiggerJane, Megan Davis, Jessica Hanners, Sherry, two-kittens, TLC-TN, Kara West, Tinky Karen, Cassie Lynn, Streetg, Valerie, Heather Vineall, ToledoSC, Wayne Cole, Elaine Knight, and Staysee.)

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