DRIVING???? Is that what you call it...? I would love sometimes to just push them right off the road.

It really should be a crime! Most of them have no common sense...The worse the weather the crazier they drive!

Then you got those that are so sllllooooowwww...
Backwoods-like, did I mention following a John Deere Tractor down the highway at 15 miles an hour for 5 miles.....
Yep, sometimes you just got to be laid back to handle these roads.

Some of them drive awful!
They go too fast around the curves and hills, it just almost scares me to death...

Then those young ones with their ghetto bouncing vehicles and their booming music systems, never can tell what they are gonna do!

One area I try to avoid in our town is where they try to act like they are practicing for a race.
If I happen to get on that road, I wave a white flag not a checkered one.

Its sort of nerve-racking. I feel like I am in the middle of a big bumper car ride at the carnival and I am losing!

I think one thing that would help many of us in all of these situations is a little courtesy education.

We either drive too slow or too fast. We have really twisty, windy roads and you find yourself either behind a tourist going 20 MPH or you find you are in front of people like me driving 50 MPH.

Here is the truth, in a nutshell. It is inexplainable. Because people do not know how to drive!!!

(The following members have helped on this webpage and I thank them: TiggerJane, TLC-TN, Toledosc, streetg, Tinkygirl, Valerie, Lauren, Kara West, Cassie Lynn, Shawnda, Megan Davis, Jan Trober, and Wayne Cole.)

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