Back when I was younger, life was simple, less complicated and I never really thought about stuff that now really occupies much of my mind today.
I wonder, is that what being an adult really is?

You see, back when I was a kid, I never worried when I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection, it didn't matter how I was dressed or how bad my hair looked.

It never entered my mind at how hard it was going to be to make a living, my future or even the fact that the future even mattered at all.

I never worried about relationships, boys and girls, how important it is to find the right mate, and all that stuff.

Back then I certianly didn't see any benefits of getting a spanking or being grounded.

I couldn't figure out why we had to learn such stupid stuff in school like 2x(2)=4-x.

And wow, all the crazy, ignorant, even dangerous stuff and pranks I pulled in my teen years...Who would have thought back then that we were so nuts.

When I did think about Family Life, I never ever thought about being divorced.

I never paid attention to how many flaws and imperfections I have back when I was a kid.

I sure didn't see the need for Life Insurance or buying cemetary plots.

When I was growing up, I never thought about how I would have to deal with so many aches and pains, wrinkles, bad eyesight, sore muscles and most of all.....
I never, ever, thought I would have to see one of my family members die!

I never knew how great it would be to become a grandparent and how much I would look forward to someday going to Heaven.

(The following members have helped on this webpage and I thank them:TiggerJane, TLC-TN, Jubilee, Shauna Marie, Megan Davis, Jessica Hanners, Sherry, two-kittens, Kara West, Tinky Karen, Cassie Lynn, Streetg, Valerie, Heather Vineall, ToledoSC, Wayne Cole, Elaine Knight, and Staysee.) ®~2001 Web Uplifter Ministries....