I think their hearts are right, but their spiritual vision is off, and they are looking in the wrong direction for everything.
When you do that, after one crisis after another, the human tends to get impatient and tends to forget who really controls life???

I know God allows Us to get stupid sometimes, because He thinks we will smarten up eventually and He loves Us so much...He keeps waiting...

You know how you don't have the new HD Tv and how things just are not as good as they could be, but you keep stalling to pull out the bucks and move on up to the top brand of electronics....

As Christians, why take a weak dose of salvation when we can ROCK AND ROLL AND GET THE VERY BEST from the GOD who created Us....

It doesn't cost anything and He loves giving Us the best...

Another thing to bring up is.....satan is trying harder and harder because HIS TIME IS RUNNING OUT, TOO!....
The we can watch as he and his followers as cast in the lake of fire...so says the bible...

But we can always have HD with Jesus....
Satan doesn't have anything high definition but the lies that whip out of his mouth to Our ears...
Don't listen, don't believe those sweet NOTHINGS in your ears because that is exactly what they are NOTHING that will lead to something and get you into BIG TROUBLE!!!

When you look in the mirror, smile and think of JESUS and what He done for all of Us on the cross...It was fantastic and should keep anyone who really believes.....happy, smiling, and rejoicing....

If you look externally at the world, it is so sad.

All the wars, and the affects on the people, poverty, rape, homelessness, orphans, etc.

The epedemic of aids in Africa, etc.

The epedemic of drugs, and how it destroys so many people, not just the user, but society as a whole.

The people, this is not a blanket statement, in their 20's and younger, not knowing about God,

Jesus as their Savior, not attending any church, and no thought of it.
But also not caring to give it a thought either.

And the churches now adays, and this is not a blanket statement,
but i feel most of them do not preach a good sermon,

something when you leave church,

you don't feel like you were there at all.

And the salvation message, of Christ's blood shed for the remission of sins, where do you hear that?

I, as a Christian, love hearing Jesus forgives my sins.
and there are people that i have known, said they would be bored if they heard that every Sunday.
I think we need a strong sermon,

a message, and to hear Jesus loves us, and His Blood sets us free.

why are Christian sad in their own lives?

What fellowhip, what friendship, when in need of anything, someone to talk to, to do something for you when in need, or to socialize, where are they?

and especially when the people at church know.

Why are Christians sad?

We are all people, with emotions, feelings, just like anybody else.

We live life, with all the stressess and responsibilities, and illness like every person, christian or not. Christians are not immune to life and living in this world.

. But as a christian we have the hope.

The true hope. This world is not our home.

We will be free. One day. And it is sad that people are not interested in God. And we as a nation, don't allow God in our schools, workplace, public places, to speak His Name, to a crowd, a prayer, etc,. because it offends people.

Why is a Christian sad?
We are human.
We would like God to make our lives and other people's lives a better place to live in this world before we go home.

(The following members have helped on this webpage and I thank them: TOBY SMITH, CARY UNDERWOOD, KATHIE SWAN, JIMMY BUTLER, CANDICE GRAMLING AND BOB TUCKER...THANKS TO ALL OF YOU.... )
®~2008SEP UplifterlandEAST Ministries....