The Greatest Thing God ever gave to Us...With all of its Ups and Downs, thrills and Agonies, How can we become bored?

Could boredom be consider a blessing!

If so then you could stop your boredom, by taking time to PRAISE THE LORD, that your life is so calm and peaceful that you have ended up sitting, twiddling your thumbs, when you could be clapping to the sound of a hearty Christian Song and Singing to the Lord above who gives us the very heart that beats in our chest.

Nevertheless, we do become involved in dull times within the rush hours of everyday life.

We find Ourselves staring endlessly out our windows and seeing totally different scenery that is actually there.

We click on the television and see how many times we can let our fingers do the walking around the remote control only to finally gasp in utter blahness that there are "57 channels and nothing on!"

Ever been in a boring conversation with Someone?
You start listening but then the story starts fading in and out and you get like this sort of incoming data....

"You know, it did, and I was so sick and I fell to blah blah blah boing zing and I am in a big ooh blah blah yadda yadda yippy...."

You just keep nodding to the other person and if your are not careful, you will nod off and your chin will fall down, popping you back into reality.

How about when you have stayed up to late on Saturday night, and everything at church on sunday morning seems to be boring?
The music is draggy, everyone else around you looks half asleep, especially that elderly couple that are snoring, two seats behind you.

Every time the Pastor ask the congregation to stand you can almost here several sighs across the sanctuary.

When it comes time to take up the offering, you would give some paper money, but it is just too much effort to try to get your wallet out of your pockets, so you just quietly place the two quarters you have been saving for a soda in the plate and pass it on.

Boredom is a tricky thing, sometimes things are actually boring, which leaves you to liven things up..Other times you are just being selfish and not wanting to share your time with someone who may really need it.

A little boring sacrifice on Your part will never hurt you.

Someday you may be paid back when you are old, grumbly, lonesome and someone smiles at you as your tell for the thousandth time just how great your life was back at the turn of Century 21.

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and written with the aid of Uplifterland Members, Joanne Hudy, Sandy Landy, Jami Weingart, Kathie Swan, Mike Fast, Farris Fast, and Sherry Campbell and ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]