There is a place at the edge of Heaven, on a beautifully, pillowy cloud, where God and His Special Angels do a very important job.


This part of Heaven gets more business each day, even though you would think that God's Creation would have more love and care, than even the wildest of the earthly beasts.

Abortion is not a pretty topic, it is one of the saddest, horrible, and unchristian like acts that humans have gotten into the routine of doing.

Imagine ordering this one-of-a-kind unique piece of art, and when it was placed in your mailbox, without even looking at it, taking a knife and stabbing holes all through the package and thus, tearing it to shreds....

Then....returning it to the sender and stating that you had changed your mind and didn't want it, and it was damaged anyway..

Well...What is more priceless that a human being?

How can We be so bold to send something so precious back to GOD and tell Him it is worthless and unwanted....Oh..Lord!!! Forgive Us for we truly do not know what we do....

Now let's visit this Heavenly Cloud and just get a taste of some typical conversations between God and Aborted Babies as they are counseled at the gates of Heaven in the RETURNS/DAMAGED MERCHANDISE Section...

.....Baby crying...God Softly Speaks...

  "Be calm child, I am here, holding you. No more pain."

  Baby get calm and God Speaks again...

  "Come, be with me in eternity."

  Baby Listen to God...

  "The value of life diminished among my people, They didn't see how precious you were, They were scared of their own mistakes or ignorant to what beautiful life I placed within them, but I see what I created, and it was you.

And you will not know pain, or frustration, or rejection.

Because I, God of all creation, loves you and holds you dear to my heart."

...God moves on as another returned infant appears before Him...

"Father, I don't understand why she didn't want me, didn't she know that She could give me to the Jones couple that has been waiting for a baby for so long?

Didn't she understand that I was to be a doctor, and I had the cure for cancer?

I just don't get why she would return me, when I can't help her later in life, without ever knowing her."----Aborted Child.

God Speaks softly....

  "Child, She knew not that you were intended to be a blessing to many, she is lost and don't know the way.
We must love her through this, as She is now going through a rough time.

However, you can be useful my child, and you can speak to her heart with me.

For she will never forget that she returned you to me." ---God

....When all the murderers have killed all the next Generation and God's plans have tried to be altered, the future will be so void of love that those left here will know the true meaning of Hell on Earth before actually entering into the pit of fire....

[This website was created by Kenny Mitchell and written with the help of the following people: Kathie Swan, Marjorie Sheldon, Linda Harrington, Heather Vineall, and Sherry Campbell and ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries]

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