To have all my loved ones with me on one great big island. (Notice I didn't say my WHOLE family. teehee. )

Some family, some friends gathered together. We watch the sun rise and take in the beauty that God meant for us to see in a sunrise.

Gotta have pot luck dinners everyday, all day.   All you can eat of the best, and not gain a pound. Now that is everyone's dream!!!!

  We can feel the Lord with us and His spirit is strong. We can swim in the ocean with it's massive waves and it doesn't pull us under but lets us ride the waves better than any surfer.
The water is warm and the sharks are not man-eaters.

We can touch them without fear. We can hand feed the turtles and see the sea life close up.

The sea life lets us touch them as they swim by.

At night the sound of the waves puts us to sleep.

During the day we feel the warmth of the sun on us without the worry of skin cancer.

We can smell the sweetness in the air from the flowers in bloom. The air is fresh.

  Money is not needed on this island because God supplies our need. There aren't any worries.

We are protected from evil and our children are allowed to walk around and play without harm. We don't have to worry about the safety of them as they play.

  We sit around a camp fire and share our day with each other. None of us have anything negative to say, it was all beautiful.

As we sit and watch the sunset we see a lamb cross in front of us. He came from the east. He lies down on the beach. We watch a lion as he comes from the west. We sit with the sound of the waves, watching the sunset, feeling full from God's love, and we watch the lion lie down with the lamb.

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Member who wrote this beautiful response for this topic--ELAINE KNIGHT....® 2004 WebUplifterMinistries]