The Seasons of the Year~~~~....

The seasons come and the seasons go...with a little heat and rain and snow.....Yes Sir, everybody talks about the weather but nobody can do anything about it.....

We love the springtime because that is when everything comes to life.
New seeds are planted. New flowers & baby animals are born.

...then comes summertime when the flowers are in bloom and everything is beautiful and everyone is able to enjoy in the beauty with which God has given us...

and then the autumn of the year. When things start to wind down and the trees shed their leaves to prepare for new ones.

Winter is when the earth gets to sleep and rest her weary body and sleep and replenish.

We love winter because of Christmas, and that special feeling that comes with it. Some of us love shopping for just the right gift, like the helping of others, but then that should be our goal as Christians that all year long.

One thing great about the season of summer is...getting to go fishing.

 I love all the seasons though, because I love the smell of spring when everything is "refreshed" .....and I love the smell of autumn leaves falling. It's just to hard to say which one is my favorite, God just made them all four too good to pick just one.....

The fall of the year has it's wonders, too..
the crispness of the air, the joy of knowing grass cutting season is at an end, the leaves turning beautiful colors.

  October signifies the beginning of the holiday seasons. Preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In November many folks trudge up and down hills looking for that perfect tree to cut down and see if it will fit in your house.

So many fond memories of Christmas past.....for writer shares....

  Our very first real tree was only 3 foot tall and we got it free from a lot.
I had no money and the man was nice to give it to us.
My daughter, son and his friend and I opened up the sun roof on my Volkswagen Beetle and stuck the tree through it.

Two of the boys only had on rubber boots with no socks.

We all froze on the trip home but sang Christmas songs and got into blankets and had hot chocolate when we got back.

After we decorated the tree we stood back and marveled at our wonderful little tree.

On the subject of how important of a role Jesus plays in the seasons of our life would have to be spring.

Everything that died comes back to life. It's like what's going to happen to our earthly bodies one day, unless we go up in the rapture. Whichever way I go.......I will be able to say....." I'M JUST SO HAPPY TO BE HERE "!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Wintertime is full of mixed emotions.. for the frosty air chills me deep into my bones. The skies are gloomy, and the foliage is off the trees. It is just a grey and dreary season.... Sort of one we must just endure before spring bursts forth, displaying all its glory.

Today I noticed a miracle of winter, and it was not in a beautiful snowfall. I looked up into the leafless trees and saw so many squirrel nests around our home. They were nested into those loft places, held secure within branches. I never knew we had so many furry friends living in our yard!

During the other seasons, this view was obliterated with tree foliage, but now I had a new view of things.

So is life. Each season of our lives holds unexpected joys and miracles, if we just open our eyes, ears and hearts.

I never thought growing older would be a thrilling season of my life- but it is! I have wonderful adult children, grandchildren to pamper and spoil, and a spouse to share it all with, Praise the Lord!

It was only during this season of my life that I had time to listen to God and write these glimpses, and for that, too, I am thankful.

Whatever your season... Just ask God to show you the beauty in it, and try not to get caught up in either the mundane or the overwhelming responsibilities life can hand you.

There are wonders in every season, in nature, and in life. Let's grasp all God has for us.


       Ecclesiastes 1: To everything there is a season

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Maggie Fifth, Sherry Campbell, Sandy Hennen and Bee Long....® 2004 WebUplifterMinistries]