Jesus Loves the Little Children--All the Children of the World...Red and Yellow -- Black and White--They are Precious in his sight....Jesus loves the little Children of the World......

Oh...If we could just stay Precious in His sight..

I know..some of Us do...but many of Us get caught up in GROWING UP.....but while we are young and innocent...Our Lord watches over us and keeps us content as He Possibly can...and That is one great thing about being a kid....

Kids are Cool.   Around the age of 3/4 just before they head off to school.. But can talk really well. I love that age.. That is the age of open minds and free wills. Kids with nourishing homes w/o worries of where dinner is coming or if it is.. are usually pre-conditioned at that early age of 3 and 4.

The main objective in a normal child's life is having fun, exploring, and soaking up everything around them like a giant be squeezed out as needed later in life.....

I enjoyed playing in my sandbox.

I loved to sit on the swing set and sing and swing. I'd do so for hours.

I loved music.

I enjoyed chasing after my older brother.

And cuddling my dog.

I loved my mum and dad and life was grand when I was a kid.

I hoped to get everything I wanted.

Another thing I remember liking most about being a kid is feeling safe.

WE didn't have to worry about someone kidnapping us or hurting us in anyway, actually.

WE were not afraid to walk to the corner store.

I didn't have any fears as a child....

My sister and I could entertain ourselves for hours without watching tv, or playings cds.

We would make our own fun by building playhouses, playing with paper dolls, even making our own by cutting them from a Sears catalog.

The family did things together and we were never left with a baby sitter.

 My parents never went anywhere that we couldn't go too.

My Mom was home when we got home from school and had a hot meal on the table every night.

Neighbors in our area would get together at someone's house once a week, play  music and sing.

They were real words to real songs too.

I loved being a kid and i think sometimes I'm a kid at heart now.

Being a kid was such a trusting time in my life you believe that there is only good in the world and that every thing is going to work out for the best.

What simple faith we have as children and I would love to have that child like faith back and not have to work at it.

We don't even realize that child-like faith is such a wonderful gift.

One thing I liked most about being a kid was going barefoot and running through mud puddles and playing in the rain in the hot summertime to cool off from the heat because we did not know what air conditioning was....It was a simpler, happier time in many ways, and we were not told how to play, we made up our own games....

Gather at Grandma's house with all the other kinfolks was always a load of fun.

The holidays were always such a thrill and how great it felt the last day of school each year when summer vacation begun.

Thank God for the Children....They remind of Of who we use to be when Our minds were fresh and not cluttered with things of the world, they show us how easy it is to smile, and most of all they let Us know that everyone wants to be loved.....

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Holy Girl, Elaine Knight, Farris Fast, Holley Kemp, Mike Fast, Martha Campbell, and Bee Long....® 2003 WebUplifterMinistries]