The first thing I think of is.....Hey compared to all this.....I am just a grain of sand or less.

So, I am quite humbled, when I think of the trillions of other grains of sands, just on this planet, and God know everything about each one of Us....That is awesome....

When I manage to look up and see the brilliant sky that God has given up to be a reminder of what Our Creator is capable of doing....and that is just what we can see.....Just think -- even though our minds can't comprehend --- the awesome abilities of Our God......

That then makes me wonder why we ever doubt who is in control and whether or not He can help Us when we call out to Him....

I see beauty. I see a characteristic of Gods face and being. I see life.

IF a shooting star explodes then I believe wishes are being whispered. And desires of hearts are being met.

I also see time, past, present and future whereas stars were made to help us dream, ponder and reminisce.

I feel comfort and a desire to reach out to be engulfed in that comfort zone..

I feel strength, like when God gives no boundaries when we think of the distance we go in life....

I feel peace from without and within, the understanding of human emotions such as love...and it feels so harmonious, I feel love from a depth deep inside me..

I feel Thankfulness for each second I live here on Earth to try and reach a lost soul...

I feel a radiance of loneliness as if some other person is stopping at that very same instantaneous second to be caught up in, and overcome with these feelings too..

I also feel God staring down on me to see all the ways I do and don't fulfill His will.

I feel soothed by knowing I can always come outside and feel freedom within an arm's reach, when the sky is all lit up with it's gorgeous nature.

Yes, I really do see how beautiful it all is, and how awesome.

I mean, There is the northern star, shining so brightly, pointing the way to the north, maybe leading some one that had gotten off track to the right direction.

Just as the Bible does to God's lost children.

Then I see the moon so big, so bright, being somewhat obscured by a few high clouds.

Just like my Jesus, as I go on with my busy day, and forget to stop and thank Him for even the small things, because the clowds of my busy day has temporarly obscured Him from my view.

Then as I look at the whole picture of the stars and the moon, I realise that one can not be without the other. Without the moon, there are no stars, and without the stars, there is no moon, and without both together there is no me.

Some people choose to seek further and with a high powered telescope and maps to the heavens and when on a clear night I gaze much at a constelation called Orion for in spanish folklord the His belt which are 3 stars represent the Magi of which people of the Island acknowledge like Christmas another Christmas as the wise men brings gift so they too to the Island on that day..

As little one I recived many gift under my bed and it was great! Yet today when I see them three stars I look a little below to a cosmic flowery colored nebula and I see GODS hands al over the heavenly lights the WONDERS yet seeing from afar we still see His handiwork and whoa what a magnificent site to see under a telescope!

You can even see streaks of gold and glass sparkling brilliantly!

I love the second heaven and GOD made it too as he made us little stars also sparkle.....

Looking at the heaven has a medicinal calming affect on people.....It lets you know...that when you stand before the naked sky and all it's glory, there is not anything else out there but God and You.....Gives Ya the shivers, right......

God himself put the stars in the sky, and yet God thinks that I am prettier than the stars above.

I look at the moon, and my heart is filled with wonder that God controls this big bright light in the sky.

  I think about how everyone just takes the sun, sky, stars and moon for granted. Then that in turns makes me recall the last time I thanked God for something he has done in my life. I feel an inner peace as I thank God right then and there for all the blessings He has bestowed upon my life.

It's almost as if God has said to me, "It was my pleasure to bring you happiness my child."

Sometimes when I look up and see the heavens and stars and even those funny flashing satellites I wonder....If God can't be mentioned or talked about in school...How are Our Kids learning about the stars and planets and why they are there, ane who put them there...etc.....I pray they are not being filled with false information and I hope some Christian Student is brave enough to stand up and say.."MY GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH!" Amen.......

Within this entire Universe and maybe millions more Our God is Supreme.

If looking at a starry night for a while doesn't convince you that we have a Master Creator--The Alpha and the Omega.....Then...Go look again and think about it....Because I promise you.....We are right....GOD IS THE SUPREME CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE AND ANY OTHERS and HE MADE YOU AND ME TO SERVE HIM...AND THOSE THAT GIVE THEIR HEARTS TO HIM WILL HAVE A REWARD SOMEDAY SOON IN HEAVEN.

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Holy Girl, Caryl Rinehart, Sister Angela, Kandace Huffaker, Carla Jones, Anthony Batone, Sherry Campbell, and Wayne Cole....® 2003 WebUplifterMinistries]