WHEN I THINK OF WAR...~~~~....

"Vengeance is Mine, Sayeth the Lord!"....I think there has been such a bitterness in this country since Vietnam about Why Our Country goes to War, that is still causing much confusion and bitterness here at the homefront.

In fact there seems to be always a "mental war" going on anytime Our troops are in battle...including this time in IRAQ.

There has always been war, reasons being two things....Good and Bad, Salvation and Sin.....and my feelings are only those nations or peoples that go into War with the full leadership of Jesus Christ will be true victors.

I think what people, as a whole, are most compassionate about war is the effects on children.
One image that still haunts my mind in the front page photo from a major magazine back in the Vietnam era where the children were running down the road with their clothing and bodies burned terribly by the effects of napalm.
The look on their faces, describe what words could never say....

I hate war.
I am a peace maker by nature. I know so many things in the world are so wrong.
I know that America is a great nation compared with so many others, but we must not get on Our High Horses so fast and think that others are going to think we have such a great society anymore.

We have many freedoms that other countries don't have, but have these freedoms made our country better.

Are American People Happy enough to convince the rest of the world that the way they worship is wrong, when I feel that very few Americans would go as far for OUR GOD, as people from the war-striken countries.

I am thankful for Our brave Soliders that are standing up for Our Country and fighting as they are told to do.

I am happy to see and hear of many of them, stating that they are praying alot as they are in the midst of these battles......

But If America is trying to show the world that Our way of Trusting and worshipping the TRUE GOD is by the immoral actions of many of its citizens....I don't think that ship is going to float.....

Part of me knows that the Iraqi people need a new government that is for the people. They need a leader that isn't taken families out by the loads and killing them in so many terrible ways.

But no matter how noble your intentions...When you enter a Country by force....people are going to die, and many of them will be innocent....

Saddam is indeed an evil man, the main fact being he murders people in the name of God...Life is precious and if Saddam is using God's name in vain, Our troops will stop what He is doing in the name of God, according to His will.

Another side of me is so thankful and grateful to God for the mercy He has had on Our Country. Our freedom is precious when used in a positive way.

The long term outcome of this war--if it is being fought for the right reasons will be a better life for many people who have been brainwashed in to believing the horrible lies being told to them by ruthless leaders.

I think of the families of our soldiers who have to endure the heartache of not knowing what is happening with their loved ones.

They also have to put up with watching so many anti-war protestors who have taken it upon themselves to be the "moral leaders" of our great country.

This public display is shameful and does nothing to help bring the war to a close.
If they really want to help they should be rallying behind the soldiers and not tearing them down.

I also think of the innocent people in Iraq that have no control over what their government is doing and are frightful for their lives.

We need to keep our goverment,our service personel and all the innocent people involved in this war in our thoughts and prayers.

War. Hum....What's it good for?....Absolutely nothing!!

But the effects of a God lead War of Victory will bring the right kind of peace and freedom that will ring out across the entire world.

Let us all keep praying and wanting the will of God on everyone involved in all aspects of War!

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Elaine Knight, Caryl Rinehart, Dena Murphy, NewFriend Jami, and Ken Hollenback....® 2003 WebUplifterMinistries]