Space.....The Final Frontier...Well, sometimes we all feel like......crooning, "FLY ME TO THE MOON, and let me play among the stars, Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter or Mars...

In our minds, many times, ANYWHERE BUT HERE, sounds good.

But regardless of everything we try, we really can not GET AWAY FROM IT ALL!!

We may find a temporary Hiding place, a fifteen minute break from the rampage, or better yet, a quick One-on-One with the Lord, He can take Us away much better than a million Calgon baths.

We can also go to some one we love and just ask them to hold Us tight, and even pray together with them.

Sometimes we need to go visit good ole' Mom and Dad, and feel their never-ending love, even if it is going to their gravesites and feeling their presence near you and God allowing you to relive your wonderful memories of Them.

Sometimes you are just tired....You wanna get away, you need some rest.

So you just lay down on the bed, get a book, I suggest the Bible, and put on some good Christian music and before you know it, you will feel the joy of the Lord and Your Own worship service will begin and you will have forgotten all about your problems, and many times they will have been taking totally away by Our Lord...

You can also get peace by going to the great creations of the Lord, like sitting by the Ocean and watching the waves, and birds, listening to sounds, the movement, the awesomeness of the Great Creator is, indeed, very relaxing and serene...

Or sit in your back yard at night's and look up at the Heavens and know that someday, God is going to take you to a place much beautiful than all the stars you can see...

And finally, when you feel the whole world has kicked you in the teeth, and you don't have a friend in the world, you can always go home to your pets, and they will love you, and be happy to see you....what a blessing it is that God has given us Pets to complete Our Families.

SO, really WHEN WE WANT TO GET AWAY FROM IT ALL....We really don't mean that, we just WANT TO REPLACE the YUCK with some PEACE and tranquility, and as you know, the detour and shortcut to that road always leads to a quick connection with Jesus....

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Sherry Campbell, Lady Lillian, Joanie Worley, Anthony Batone, and Barbee....® 2002 WebUplifterMinistries]