{}Things happen when you fall in LOVE...like...

You and your mate are just one big giant Hershey's Kiss, wrapped up together for the world to see with the little tag hanging out of it saying "WE'RE IN LOVE!"

There is a smile on your face that just won't go away, you would think that your heart had wings, because it feels so light and carefree.

Any problems that you have don't seem all that bad when you are in love.

The little kid excitement comes back in you, for a while the serious things of life can be put on hold and you can have actually FUN again.

Daydreaming becomes a favorite pasttime, and you can't seem to talk to the one you love enough.

Suddenly, you need to be around them 24/7, and if you live several miles away from each other it feels like forever between visits.

 It seems like the flower shop knows your address, and all about you and your love mate.

Flowers show up for no reason, and your biggest delight for a guy is sending them and put just the exact words you wanna say on the card to let your lady know how special she really is to you.

You can never hear "I love you" enough from your special person and this line just seems to leap out of you own mind about them, even when they are not there.

This makes a goofy smile come over your face, and causes your heart to dance.

Being in love, makes you think of someone else besides yourself first.

Not caring where you are or what is taking place around you as long as your love is there with you.

When you fall in love; the sun is sunnier, the jokes are funnier, a feather is ticklier, a pickle is picklier....

Your energy level is raised and you feel like you can conquer the world.
Your creative juices rise to a point so you compose songs and poems, like on the radio, all directed and dedicated to the object of your affection.

You take on new likes and dislikes.....whatever he/she likes or dislikes. And you make foolish, undo-able vows.

And every moment away from "them" seems like an eternity.

Sometimes you lose the abiity to put two coherant sentences together. And your loved one takes on a perfection that noone else seems to recognize.

You always want to look your best for them, but when they really love you, they see the beautiful "YOU" no matter how you are dressed or what shape you are in...

Your heart races when the phone rings, thinking it will be them.

You can't wait to hold them, to hug them, to kiss them....You almost quit eating, you are constantly talking about them to yourself or others--anyone who will listen!

You want to be as close to them as you can. You learn to love the way THEY smell.
You just love to be wrapped in an article of their clothing...

  Falling in love makes your eyes sparkle, you have a mysterious smile that just keeps popping up on your face.

The whole world is a brighter place in which to dwell.
Yes, all is right with the world for YOU when You are in love.

Love makes you see beyond the human imperfections everyone that others can see.

Love allows and helps you to accept another human being that you might otherwise never notice....funny how love works to bad we all can't be that way 24 / 7...

I think I like God's way better :-)

Unconditional Love is a goal worth striving for when you have been blessed with someone who loves you, too.
And even those of you out there that are MATELESS, WIDOWED, and very lonely.....There is still a way to feel these many emotions....

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the love that makes you sigh.

  I not only find it in the arms of my loved ones, but in the caress of a  sunset, the kiss of the moonlight and the gentle brush of cool air on a hot day.

  They are the sighs of God. 

The one REALLY TRUE LOVE of Our Lives....

[I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their help in making this page...
Sherry Campbell, Anita Brown, Caryl Rinehart, TiggerJane, Darling Lillian, and Wayne Cole....® 2002 WebUplifterMinistries]