Babies, Children, and Parenting...>>>>>....

In the beginning....It was different, but Once God started up this thing called LIFE, it has really picked up speed down through the centuries...

These little love trophies, provided by the awesome power of a loving, creative God, are sent to earth, packing what I like to called Mirrored sponges...

The first thing everyone wants to know when a baby is born....Who do they look like. Each Parent tries to see themselves in their child, at first.

Then throughout the formative years the mirrors get bigger and the sponges soak up everything that they come in contact with good or bad, and many times the Parent will look and see either the good fruits they have placed in front of the child, or mirrored images of their failures as a parent or not so much failures, but Parents sometimes dislike their child's behavior, knowing full well that the child is merely squeeze a bit of the sponge out from one of their mom or dad's own human flaws...

Many times children come on the scene unexpected and the parent is not really ready for the resposibility The parents are often scared and confused.

Our children are Our Joy and Our Pain. Many parents would would never change anything about their children.

Its great the way they ask Us questions, and it seems to always come out in a funny way.
You can't help but laugh.

Being a parent is, happiness, love, joy, pain, in fact, its every emotion wrapped up in a neat little package called YOUR CHILD.

Being a true parent doesn't stop when they graduate or when they get married.

It is a lifetime of love am commitment that, through prayer and true love, will conquer all obstacles that Parent and Child have to go through together.

And for those who have yet to have a baby I share these thought with you...

It is very rewarding to be a parent..

Once you have a solid homelife, and are really ready that part of your life can be so enriched by the pitter patter on tiny feet around your house.

The difficulty is always there, the resonsibility neverending but... as long as you make sure your children know about Jesus and all He's done for us, then you're doing your job, and help is always a prayer away..

Oh yes, babies, children...Such blessed little people, so sweet, innocent, trusting, and easily wounded.

I'm sure I am not alone in wishing I could do it all over again, do it different, better.

Treasure each and every day. Not just tell them about Jesus, but show Him in my actions and love.

Take the time to play, listen and enjoy. Not be so stern, so worried about life and just enjoy.

These little blessings are with us such a short while....then poof!

they are grown and gone. Gone to have families of their own and hopefully rememeber the good we did, the fun times we did have, and teach their little ones to love Jesus too.

And perhaps having learned from our mistakes, to do a better job.

And so it goes on, our own circle of life.

(I would like to thank the following Uplifter Members for their contributions to this page:
Sherry Campbell, TiggerJane, SM Joanne, GodsGirl, and Shauna Marie.
®2002 WebUplifterMinistries.)