I wish I had a dollar for everytime I said I wish I had a dollar. and everytime I said I was going to quit laughing at myself.

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I told myself I was going to get through all my email in one night.

I would be so rich, If I had a dollar for everytime I said I was going to walk a mile a day, or lose another 10 pounds, or lose any weight at all.

I wish I had a dollar for every pound I lost that I Kept off.

I wish I had a buck for everytime I said "WHATEVER" and "FOR PETE'S SAKE!"

I would be floating in money if I got a dollar everytime I have said I was gonna quit work, start a diet, or get to bed before midnight!

Yes, and for once, I would love to start something and finish it, I would love to have a dollar for every unfinished thing in my life.

Or when I am running around in 40 different directions at work and tons of people needing my attention and I just look all their directions and say, "I will be right with you in a minute!"

How about the tons of times I have told a friend, "I Will tell you how I feel later!" that would be worth some big bucks there. And the numberous times I have said I would not be stupid and dilly dally around about God. Whew!

Then you think about the things you end up automatically saying in heated times....like..."Because IM THE MOM --that's WHY!"...

But at the same time I love to cheer my little angel on by saying, "I LOVE YOU" and "Oh, You are such a BIG GIRL!"...

But there are the times, when I really think about it, when I am not being selfish, and those times more valued than the dollar, but still deserves a mention of how often I tell a family member that I LOVE THEM.

And just what IF...We had a dollar for everytime we told someone that JESUS LOVED THEM. Hum....how rich would we be?

(The following members have helped on this webpage and I thank them: Jubilee, Shauna Marie, Megan Davis, Jessica Hanners, TLC-TN, Sherry, two-kittens, Kara West, TiggerJane, Streetg, Valerie, Heather Vineall, ToledoSC, Tinky Karen, Elaine Knight, Staysee, and Cassie Lynn...)

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