...After many days-waking up-looking over and realizing that some dreams do come true...

I really do know the meaning of MY real woman...

She is the combination of all females in One-and knows always that HER power comes from GOD...

Even in trying of times, she knows the bottom line comes when she looks UP to Jesus...

She is forgiving--even when her heart is broken in a million pieces, shattered....

She still finds the strength in each individual part of herself to always look toward Heaven for her sunshine.

She is thoughtful, playful, and can make the smile on the face of even the broken-hearted and castaways appear.

She is hopeful because she knows in her soul that God NEVER LEAVES YOU-EVER...

...She is why even the most homeless of puppies-still gives hope a chance at the mere pat on the head....Why the sun continues to shine behind the cloudiest of days....

She is why even the most immature of men really desire to grow up..

I am blessed in every way, everyday because God sent A REAL WOMAN to complete my life, and teaches Me that sharing the love of JESUS and Her--would take all the pain away...and bring that final freedom, that would entwine between my heart and soul forever....

[This Page was Created and Written by Kenny Mitchell for his God-Sent Wife, Holley ®2006F]

The Poetry Of Kenny...click here!

[Read the Original that inspired this Poem by clicking below...]

A REAL WOMAN...click here!