Hell-lo! Maddan here I thought it was time to put an update page on this site for some of you that may want to come back,and see what's new here at the labb.

I got a new tv recently (17 in flat LCD panel) and was shocked by the way the background colors on some of the pages were,they were way off so I am in the process of changing some of them.My tv was quite old and the colors were starting to bleed,so I did change the colors on the games and magic page and the jokes and riddles page today.I hope to have most of the pages done by this weekend.

I Know it's been a while since I done an update ,but here's what's up! First my TV that I talked about in my first update is now in a repair shop in Florida somewhere (I'm from Michigan) it burned out on me,I hope to get it back soon.On the magic and games page I change a couple of dead links.I put in a new game called "Roof Drop" and got a new addy for "The Onion" Also added "Jump the Shark" the TV & movie site, it's called "Shark Jumping"and I added "Game Faqs" for all the video gamers.I am also working on a new and final story about the NIGHTWALKER whos'working title is called "Vampyre Lover".Well ghouls and goblins Later!!