<table border="4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="35" width="500" bgcolor="black"> <tr> <td align="center"> <img src="http://domania.us/k-9/images/redflashalert.gif" height="35" width="500"><br>Press and hold Cmd and hit the R button 5-6 times </td></tr></table>

Welcome to Max's place.The Schnauzer you see on the left is Max. At the bottom of this page, on my menu is another picture of Max. He was born October 15, 1992. I was there when he was born. He is a great little dog. He's very smart and full of energy. He has a box full of toys that he loves to play with. His christmas bone is his favorite. He also likes to help his mom, (me), do the laundry. He grabs the clothes and runs into my living room with them, He doesn't care what item he takes, It could be a sock, a shirt, or moms unmentionables. When he's finished helping me with the laundry, He likes to go outside and talk, (bark), to the neighbors and their dogs. When he's finished talking, he comes to the door and barks to let me know he wants in. When he comes in he goes straight to the refrigerator door for his baby carrot. He loves to eat baby carrots and anything else he can fit into his mouth. My nick name for him is vacuum cleaner. After he finishes his snack, He's ready for a nap. He lays on his favorite pillow on the couch and goes to sleep.

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