Olympic projects completed Some will have pictures, some won't.
SIGN CLEANING....500 points
FIELD DAY 500 points plus 65
We won 2nd and 3rd places in Adult Swim and 3rd place in the Team inner tube relay race.
Our Treasure Hunt yard sale for Cystic Fibrosis won us 250 points, plus 150 bonus points for media exposure...Miami Herald, Sun-Sentinel, and the Jim and Jade Show on TV. Total=400 points
We attended a hurricane awareness meeting held at the police dept. sponsored by Parkeast
Attending were Jack Meharian, Chris Lundy, Shirley Stealey, and Mark Lincoff
25 points each =100 points.
No Photo, but Pat Lay, Mary Towey, and Shirley Stealey (along with great-granddaughter Lily) attended the City Wide Neighborhood Block Party on May 15th held at the ArtsPark on Young Circle. This was a celebration of our first year as an All-American City.
25 points per person= 75 points.
Our National Night Out Points=?
Our website=75 points for existing and 50 pts. for udating every month--total=325 points.